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Welcome to Movement & Mobility. Sports Massage Therapy based in Norwich

Feel better, move better

Now offering home visits within a 5 mile radius of Norwich!

About Movement & Mobility


My name is Tom Taylor and I have a level 4 professional ITEC diploma in sports massage which I obtained from the Jackie Hamilton school of therapies. My passion for this career started when I realised the benefits that sports massage can bring after this method of alternative therapy helped me to overcome a chronic neck injury which had been plaguing me for years. At the time of receiving this treatment I was working a sedentary desk job and within a few sessions my chronic pain had subsided.

Although I have always been interested in sport this career change has led to me entering many running and cycling events as well as maintaining good mobility of my body. It has taught me that movement is key at all points in our life and that the more we can keep our muscles and joints strong now, the stronger they will be later on in our lives.

I treat clients using a number of different soft tissue techniques including trigger point therapy, muscle energy techniques, proprioceptive facilitation and connective tissue which all help with minimising the risk of injury and promoting relaxation.

I am also a qualified level 3 personal trainer as well as a keen footballer and golfer so I have a good knowledge with full body aftercare stretches and exercises depending on what your goal is.


"In life, if people need help, then we should try and help them out"

Mo Farah

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Prepare for a sporting event

I offer a pre-event massage service to help you prepare for an upcoming sporting event or competition. This is a shorter treatment than normal and will help to quickly loosen muscles at a fast pace in preparation for optimum performance.

Recover from a competition

I also offer a post event massage to increase the body's rate of recovery up to 48 hours after intense exercise. This service also helps to increase vascular and lymphatic activity, aiding the body's natural process of removing waste products which can contribute to delayed onset of muscle soreness.

Therapeutic sports massage

This maintenance service is aimed towards people that generally suffer from regular muscle tension in the body. This is particularly popular with individuals with a sedentary job or those who may have a chronically tight area of muscle. I can also look to identify any imbalances in the body before they cause further problems.

Post injury treatment

My post injury treatment involves using massage to help ease pain and breakdown of scar tissue. I can assess your current movement patterns and identify the best techniques to assist with your injury. I can also provide aftercare advice exercises that may be influential in providing a faster recovery.


Get in Touch

To book an appointment or to learn more about our sports massage therapy services, please contact us using the details below:

Tel: 07712 454882

Thank You for Contacting Us

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